Friday, 16 April 2021

IT8302 Datanase System Concepts April May 2019 Regulation 2012 Anna University Questions with Answers

Anna University Questions with Answers - IT8302 Database System Concepts April May 2019, Information Technology, Third semester, Regulation 2012




Academic Year

April May 2019

Subject Code


Subject Name

Database System Concepts


Information Technology


Third Semester





Computer Science and Engineering

Third Semester

IT8302 – Database System Concepts


(Regulations 2012)

Time : 3 Hours                      Answer A L L Questions                Max. Marks 100

PART-A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)


1. List the advantages of database system over file system.

2. Mention the Relational algebra operations and its role in relational databases.

3. Consider a table EMPLOYEE(ID, NAME, Join_Date, Designation). Write a SQL query to list all the Employees whose designation is ‘Manager’ who has got more than 5 years experience.

4. List any four aggregate functions and mention their uses.

5. Write an example for partial dependency.

6. For a general database application, what is the recommended Normal Form? Under what circumstances other Normal Forms are to be applied?

7. Define ACID property of a transaction.

8. Is deadlock prevention preferred over deadlock detection in database concurrency? Comment about this.


No. Deadlock prevention is costly when compared with the cost of deadlock detection.


9. Justify the need for organizing data in appropriate structure in database systems.

10. Describe the various steps involved in query processing.


Part —B (5 x 16 = 80 marks)

(Question No.11 is Compulsory)

11. (i) Draw the system architecture of a database system and describe the various components of it. (8)

(ii) List the key constraints associated with RDBMS and highlight the importance of each constraint. (8)


12. a)  (i) Consider a Library Management System which allows the students, faculty members and other staff members to access the books available. A student can borrow four books and others can borrow six books. Anybody can renew the book once. A remainder has to send for renewal. If it is overdue, fine amount has to be collected. Draw an ER diagram for the above scenario and realize the relational tables with appropriate keys. (10)

(ii) Consider a table REGISTER(EMP_ID, AGE, DESIGNATION). Write a trigger to raise a message if the inserted or updated age is negative. (6)


b) (i) Consider a MOVIE database table which allows the users like viewers to get the details about Actor (Male / Female), Director, Music Driector, Producer, year of release, budget, and collection amount. Derive the tables and write five queries involving nested query, natural join, aggregate function, HAVING clause and self join using the database tables. (10)

(ii) List the steps involved in establishing database connectivity with any backend database and front end tool. (6)


13. a) (i) Define 1NF, 2NF and 3NF. Justify the need for using 2NF and 3NF over 1NF. (8)

(ii) Consider a Student Course Enrollment system which allows students to register for various courses handled by different faculty in a semester. The course may also be offered by different departments: Identify the relational tables and show that the database design satisfies 3NF. (10)


b) (i) Justify the need for BCNF over 3NF with an example. (8)

(ii) What is multi-valued dependency? How does 4NF overcomes this? Explain. (8)


14. a) (i) What is serializable transaction? How to ensure that a transaction does not have conflict serializability? (8)

(ii) What is concurrency in a database system? Explain the role of 2-phase locking protocol in concurrency control. (8)


b) (i) Discuss the architecture of aDistributed database system. List and explain the various fragmentations supported in distributed database system. (8)

(ii) Explain the architecture of a data warehouse. How does a data warehouse differ from conventional database system? Explain. (8)


15. a) (i) What is RAID technology? Explain the significance of various levels of RAID technology. (8)

(ii) What is B+ tree? What is the impact of B+ tree in a relational database system? Explain. (8)


b) (i) Define static and dynamic hashing? Discuss the role of hashing techniques in relational database systems. (8)

(ii) Explain the query cost estimation for a simple join query in a relational database system. (8)







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