Data structures exam questions and answers April May 2019, Anna University CS8391
questions, Data structures university exam solved question paper, CS8391
Data Structures CSE/IT/CCE answers, CS8391 Data structures regulation
B.E/B.Tech. (Full
April May 2019
Data Structures
Computer Science and Engineering / Information
Technology / Computer and Communication Engineering
Third Semester
Third Semester
– Data Structures
(Regulation 2017)
Time : 3 Hours Answer A L L Questions Max. Marks 100
(10 x 2 = 20 Marks)
1. What are the
advantages of Linked List over arrays?
- Linked list is dynamic data structure whereas array is static. It means, linked list can grow during programs execution whereas array cannot. The array size is fixed
- Insertion and deletion can take place in any place of linked list easily. This cannot be the case for array where insertion in a particular place may need to move many other existing elements, and deletion is not possible.
2. Illustrate the
differences between Linear linked list and Circular linked list.
- In linear linked list, there is a last node and that will be pointing to NULL. In circular linked list, there is no last node. Actually the last node is connected to the first node hence form a chain.
- You can visit the previous nodes using the chain in circular linked list, whereas you cannot visit the previous nodes in linear linked list.
4. A priority queue is
implemented as a Max- Heap. Initially it has 5 elements. The level order
traversal of the heap is : 10, 8, 5, 3, 2. Two new elements 11 and 7 are
inserted into the heap in that order. Give the level order traversal of the
heap after the insertion of elements.
The NULL links in a binary tree of N nodes will be N+1.
Proof: The proof of the claim is by
induction on N.
Basis step: N=1.
The tree has one node and two NULL links as children.
Induction step: Suppose the claim
is true for all 1 <= m <= N, N >= 1.
Then consider any (N+1)-node binary tree T. It has q NULL links. If we remove one leaf from T, then the resulting
binary tree T' has two fewer NULL links (from the removed leaf), but its parent now has a
NULL link it did not have in T. So, T
has q-2+1 = q-1 NULL links as children.
T' has N nodes, so by
the induction hypothesis, T' has N+1 NULL links as children. Therefore, q-1 = N+1, and so q =
(N+1)+1. Thus, every (N+1)-node binary
tree has N+2 NULL links as children.
6. The depth of
complete binary tree is 8 and compute the number of nodes in leaf.
A complete binary tree is a proper binary tree
where all leaves have the same depth. In a complete binary tree, the number of nodes
at depth d is 2d. The number of leaf nodes in a complete binary tree of depth 8 is 28 which is 256.
7. What is
8. Given a weighted,
undirected graph with |V| nodes, Assume all weights are non-negative. If each
edge has weight <=w, What can you say about the cost of Minimum spanning
9. Brief about
Extendible hashing.
10. Compare linear
search and Binary search.
B — (5 * 13 = 65 marks)
11. (a) i) Write a
program to merge two sorted linked list (P & Q – assume that they are available)
to get a single sorted list S.
Eg. P:1->2->45->56
Q: 3->24->56->63->66,
ii) Write a
non-recursive procedure to reverse a singly linked list. (5)
(b) i) Write a function
to add two polynomials represented by linked representation. Apply the function
for the following input.
A= 3x14 + 2x18
+1, B= 8x12+ 3x10 + 3x8 +10x6 (9)
ii) Write a function to
delete the node n from the given doubly linked list. (4)
12. (a) Write
algorithms to check if the given parenthesized arithmetic expression contains
balanced parenthesis and to convert such expression to postfix form and
evaluate it, Illustrate with example. (13)
(b) i) State the
advantage of Circular queue over linear queue, Write the functions for
Insertion in a circular queue. (5)
ii) Build the max heap
for the following 90, 150, 70, 40, 100, 20, 30, 10, 110. And show the result of
delete max. (8)
13. (a) i) Write a
routine for Post order traversal. Is it possible to find minimum and maximum
value in the binary search tree using traversals? Discuss. (3)
ii) Display the given
tree (Figure 13. a) using Inorder, Preorder and Postorder Traversals. (6)
ii) Delete 11 and 10
from the above binary search tree. And display the tree after each deletion.
(b) i) Write a routine
for AVL tree insertion. Insert the following elements in the empty tree and how
do you balance the tree after each element insertion?
Elements : 2, 5, 4, 6,
7,9, 8, 3,1, 10. (8)
ii) Brief about B+
Tree. And discuss the applications of heap. (5)
14. (a) Apply an
appropriate algorithm to find the shortest path from ‘A’ to every other node of
A. For the given graph Fig. 14(a) (13)
(b) i) Explain in
detail about strongly connected components and illustrate with an example. (7)
ii) Find an Euler path
or an Euler circuit using DFS for the following graph Fig. 14(b). (6)
15. (a) Consider a hash
table with 9 slots. The hash function is h(k) =k mod 9. The following keys are
inserted in the order 5, 28, 19, 15, 20, 33, 12, 17, 10. Draw the contents of
the hash table when the collisions are resolved by
i) Chaining
ii) Linear probing
iii) Double hashing.
The second hash function h2(x) = 7-(x mod 7) — (13)
(b) i) Write a function
to perform merge sort. Give example (6)
ii) Write a routine for
Insertion sort. Sort the following sequence using Insertion sort. 3, 10, 4, 2,
8, 6,5, 1. (7)
C — (1 * 15 = 15 marks)
16. (a) i) Indicate
whether you use an Array, Linked List or Hash Table to store data in each of
the following cases. Justify your answer. (6)
(1) A list of employee
records needs to be stored in a manner that it is easy to find max or min in
the list.
(2) A library needs to
maintain books by their ISBN number. Only thing important is finding them as
soon as possible.
(3) A data set needs to
be maintained in order to find the median of the set quickly.
ii) Define data
abstraction. Write the ADT for the data structure in which the same condition
can used appropriately, for checking over flow and underflow. Define all basic
function of this ADT. (9)
(b) i) When do you
perform rehashing? [Illustrate with example. (8)
ii) From the Figure 16.
(b), in what order are the vertices visited using DFS and BFS starting from
vertex A? Where a choice exists, use alphabetical order. (7)
16. (b)